Facts About Juvenile Diabetes

Every year over 1.5 million people are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in the United States and an alarming count of approximately 40 children per day are diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes as well. Many people are not familiar with the general facts about Type 1 diabetes and how common it is to develop among children. It is always good to be informed about one of the most important and dangerous health conditions prevalent among juveniles today, especially if you are a parent.

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Here is a basic fact sheet to help you know the basics about juvenile diabetes.

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1. Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks and destroys the insulin producing cells in the pancreas which does not allow your body to function properly.

2. The exact cause of Type 1 Diabetes is currently unknown. Scientists do believe that being exposed to viruses as well as natural genetics plays a big factor.

3. It affects children, adolescents and young adults. The symptoms can develop very suddenly and causes a dependence on injections or pumped insulin in order for survival. The disease also can cause a nonstop, life threatening situations and complications throughout a patient's lifetime.

4. Type 1 Diabetes will always need constant attention. You must take multiple insulin injections daily that are prescribed by your physician. You will monitor and test your blood sugar daily by pricking your finger which can be performed at home on your own. It is very important to balance your diet and insulin. Insulin injections do not cure diabetes, but provides necessary balance to the body system in order to prevent serious complications.

5. Warning signs of Type 1 Diabetes that occur suddenly include the following:

- Extreme Thirst

- Frequent Urination

- Drowsiness or Lethargy

- Increased Appetite

- Sudden Weight Loss

- Sudden Vision Changes

- Sugar in the Urine

- Fruity odor on the breath

- Heavy or labored breathing

- Unconsciousness or disorientation

Keep in mind these important facts about diabetes, especially if you have children. Be aware of any changes in their health according to the above warning signs. If you do notice any changes, be sure to consult with a pediatrician immediately.

Facts About Juvenile Diabetes
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